Nizamuddin Railway Station Platform 1 Location

Location of Nizamuddin Railway Station Platform 1 is from primary main entrance Nizamuddin colony side. Other secondary entrance side is Platform 7 Sarai Kale Khan Side or Metro station side.

Where is Nizamuddin Railway Station Platform 1 Located?

Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station (station code: NZM) is one of the major railway stations in Delhi, serving as a key hub for several long-distance trains. Here’s how you can locate Platform 1 at this station:

Nizamuddin Railway Station Platform
Nizamuddin Railway Station Platform 1 entry

Step-by-Step Directions to Platform 1

  1. Arrival at the Station:
  • The main entrance to Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station is located on Mathura Road.
  • You can reach the station via various modes of transportation including auto-rickshaws, taxis, buses, and the Delhi Metro (nearest metro station is Jangpura on the Violet Line).
  1. Entering the Station:
  • Upon entering through the main entrance, you will find the station building with several entry gates.
  • Proceed through the security check at the entrance.
  1. Navigating to Platform 1:
  • After the security check, you will enter the concourse area where ticket counters, inquiry offices, and waiting areas are located.
  • Look for directional signs overhead that point towards the platforms. These signs will guide you to different platforms including Platform 1.
  1. Follow the Signage:
  • Follow the signs that indicate the direction to Platform 1. The signage is usually clear and prominently displayed.
  • If you have any difficulty, you can ask the station staff or use the public announcement systems for assistance.
  1. Reaching Platform 1:
  • Platform 1 is typically located closest to the station building. As you follow the signs, you will find Platform 1 directly accessible without the need to use foot overbridges or subways.
  • The platform numbers are clearly marked, making it easy to identify Platform 1.

Tips for Navigating Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station

  • Arrive Early: Give yourself ample time to navigate the station, especially if you are unfamiliar with it.
  • Use Assistance Services: Porters (coolies) are available to help with luggage and guide you to your platform.
  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on the electronic display boards and listen to announcements for any updates regarding train schedules and platform changes.
  • Accessibility: For passengers with mobility issues, wheelchairs and assistance services are available at the station.


Platform 1 at Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station is easily accessible from the main entrance. By following the clear signage and taking advantage of the assistance services available, you can navigate to Platform 1 without any hassle. Safe travels!

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