How many Vande Bharat Trains in India

Discover how many Vande Bharat trains in India are operational. Get the latest count and details on routes covered by these high-speed trains.

How many Vande Bharat Trains in India

As of June 2024, India has a total of 23 operational Vande Bharat Express trains. These semi-high-speed trains, also known as Train 18, are designed for rapid intercity travel and have significantly enhanced the passenger experience with their modern amenities and faster travel times.

Key Features of Vande Bharat Trains

  • High Speed: Capable of reaching speeds up to 160 km/h.
  • Modern Amenities: Equipped with features like onboard Wi-Fi, GPS-based passenger information systems, automatic sliding doors, and bio-vacuum toilets.
  • Comfort: Offers comfortable seating, ample legroom, and executive chair car options.

Popular Routes Covered

Some of the prominent routes covered by Vande Bharat Express trains include:

  1. New Delhi – Varanasi
  2. New Delhi – Katra (Jammu and Kashmir)
  3. Mumbai – Gandhinagar
  4. Chennai – Mysuru
  5. Howrah – New Jalpaiguri
  6. Mumbai – Shirdi


India currently operates 23 Vande Bharat Express trains, providing fast and comfortable travel options across key routes. These trains mark a significant leap in Indian Railways’ efforts to modernize and enhance passenger services. For the most current information and new routes, refer to official updates from Indian Railways.

Difference Between 3E and 3A in Train IRCTC

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